Protect Your Pets from Salmonella

Max The Puppy
My dog is a member of the family, and although I always make sure to take steps to avoid salmonella in the kitchen, I hadn’t give much thought on my pet’s exposure to salmonella infection. There are some simple things you can do to try to avoid exposure. Make sure and store pet food in a cool, dry place. Check expiration dates, and dump expired food. When at the store, check packaging of wet and dry foods to make sure they are unopened. For dogs, buy individually packaged pig ears and bully sticks, rather than in bulk, and make sure to wash their water bowls frequently as well as feeding scoops in hot soapy water. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration recalled three brands of Pig Ear dog treats because they may be contaminated with salmonella. Also be careful and keep up with current new to keep all members of the family safe from intestinal diseases. Don’t forget to read more tips like Household Germs in Unexpected Places.