Category: Health

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You might have guessed: Department stores are displaying lots of pink items, and football players are rocking the pink sneakers for the month of October. Breast cancer awareness is quite widespread; whether you’re buying yogurt or posting on Facebook, you’ll see lots of pink ribbons and other markers indicating […]

July is Eye Injury Prevention Month
Surely you’ve heard the adage, “it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.” Eye injury is far from a laughing matter; according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 2.5 million incidences of eye injuries occur every year. These include workplace injuries, but about half happen in or around the […]

Anxiety After Getting COVID Vaccine
I want to remind everyone that I am not a doctor. I can’t even say that I am all that experienced with anxiety and panic attacks as I have only experienced them for 8 months. I only want to share my experience regarding the COVID vaccine, so others know they are not alone.
I have various […]

August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has dedicated August to breastfeeding awareness. The breastfeeding awareness campaign has the goal of encouraging new moms to breastfeed, as well as helping breastfeeding mothers find and develop the tools they need to keep their breastfeeding relationship going as long as they desire. In the spirit of […]

March is National Nutrition Month
The month of March is National Nutrition Month. The awareness and education campaign is sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (known previously as the American Dietetic Association). Its purpose is to promote good nutrition by spreading awareness and education about nutritional choices, and to challenge people to make the healthiest food choices they […]

Cold and Flu Season Tips
It’s cold and flu season….take charge now!
The new year is in full swing… Flu season is worse then ever and the effectiveness of the flu vaccine keeps going down every time I listen to the news. Influenza occurs usually during the cold months of the year here in the U.S. The timing of flu is […]

Making Time to Exercise When the Kids Are Little
The spring seems to be second only to New Year’s Day, when it comes to resolutions about getting in shape. It’s getting warmer, we’re wearing less clothing, and we know that swimsuit season is almost upon us. As moms, we sometimes tend to put our own best interests and health on the back burner, but […]

Halloween Candy: Making Healthier Choices
Have you already purchased candy for Halloween? We all have our favorites: My kids love anything chewy and sticky, whereas I usually raid their stash for anything chocolate! You might be concerned about the sugar, fat and calories (not to mention additives like food coloring) are going to affect your kids over the next week […]

Breast Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Support
The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere we look we see pink. To support and honor the fight turn on your television and you’ll see pink on the NFL player’s cleats, NASCAR paint schemes, cereal boxes, food carton and banners on the streets.
Unfortunately, each of us knows of someone currently with Breast […]