Category: Holidays

Today is Cinco de Mayo!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! If you don’t speak Spanish, that means the fifth of May… and it’s also the name of a festival held in Mexico to celebrate their victory against France in 1862 at the Battle of Puebla. Since it’s such a big day, and since it falls on a weekend this year, why […]

Easter Gifts for Teens
Once your child has grown out of Easter egg hunts, what is there to do on Easter morning? First, you might be surprised at how much a teen will still enjoy an egg hunt if younger siblings are participating. Or, she might like to be the one to hide the eggs! Assuming you have no […]

Top 10 Fall Family Activities
Fall is finally upon us, which means that there’s a lot to do with your kids. It’s a great time to enjoy the cooler weather and to spend lots of time outdoors. Here is our top ten lest of fall activities that you should do with your kids.
Go camping. Camping in the fall is absolutely […]

It’s Time for Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, takes place on February 17 this year. Each year, it’s the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the start of the 40-day period of Lent, celebrated by Catholics and some other Christian denominations. Last year, we talked about ways to celebrate Mardi Gras at home with the kids. Most of […]

Pinterest and Homemade Valentines
Valentine’s Day is in just a few weeks, and my kids are raring to go! I don’t like buying the valentines from the grocery store; my kids tend to just throw those out. Making homemade valentines is definitely something that takes time, but if you start now and make a few per night, you can […]

Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas
By now, most of us have our shopping and wrapping done (unless you’re finishing up your wrapping after the kids go to bed!). You may be getting together with friends and family tonight, or you may be going to church for a lovely candle-lit service. Or, you might stay home and do your own thing […]

Gift Ideas For Teachers Or Caregivers
Trying to figure out what to get your child’s teacher or caregiver can be stressful. Some years you may luck out and know exactly what to get that person, while other years you might be stuck looking for a gift idea at the last minute. We’ve put together a little guide of what to buy […]

What to Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers?
We at ShopaholicMommy hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday! The last thing I am thinking about it eating because I still feel full from yesterday by I guaranteed most of your household does not feel the same way! Now that the day is over and you may be completely wiped out from some […]