Category: Holidays

Lego Fun in 2012
Every year, toys get more and more technologically advanced, and less and less like anything we remember playing with as kids. Or do they? Some old school toys have made “retro” comebacks, and at least one never needed to come back, because it never went away in the first place. I’m speaking, of course, of […]

Top 20 Toys for 2012
Walmart has recently released its list of the top 20 toys of the 2012 holiday season! Some years, it can be very difficult to get your hands on certain toys once they make the list. If any of these happen to be on your child’s Dear Santa list, then keep your eyes open for them. […]

Holiday on a Budget: Making a Plan
Have you ever experienced buyer’s regret in January, once the credit card bills start rolling in reflecting your holiday spending? I know that I have.. there’s just something about the season that prompts many of us to overspend. Whether it’s decorations, special foods, gifts for every person that we know, holiday parties, new outfits, or […]

Attitudes of Gratitude: Thanksgiving Tree
Many people decorate for Halloween and most people decorate for the winter holidays that they celebrate, but one holiday that is a bit more difficult to decorate for is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time to remember everything that we are thankful for, and one tradition that my family has stumbled upon is to put up […]

Holiday Planning: There’s an App For That!
Want a better way to track your trick-or-treaters? Can’t decide what to cook this Thanksgiving? Stressed about making holiday travel plans? Help for these problems and more is as close as your Smartphone. Yes, you guessed it – there’s an app for holiday planning. Several apps, to be exact. Here are a few of the […]

Hottest Halloween Costumes for 2012
Halloween is approaching rapidly, and we’re all searching for the perfect Halloween costumes for our little trick-or-treaters. If you’re a crafty type, you may plan on making some special creation of your own for your child to wear. If not, don’t worry: Stores are still teeming with a variety of awesome and fun costumes. Your […]

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes
Do your kids know what they want to be for Halloween this year? Mine have been talking about what to wear for Halloween pretty much since last Halloween. So far I have one Batman, one princess, and one undecided. The first two are pretty easily found in the store, but I suspect the undecided is […]

Observing Columbus Day With Kids
Columbus Day this year falls on Monday, October 8th. Because the kids may be home from school, you’re probably looking for ways to entertain them. You may also want them to learn and understand a little bit about the holiday. Your kids may be interested in many aspects of the Columbus story. Who was he, […]

Gift Ideas for Grandparents’ Day
Grandparents’ Day is swiftly approaching, as this year it falls on September 9th. This is the day of the year set aside for celebrating that all-important relationship between grandparent and grandchild. Grannies, Grandpas, Nanas and Pop-pops play a very important role in many children’s lives, and they certainly deserve recognition. They are givers of gifts, […]

Picnic Food Safety: Avoiding Food Poisoning
Picnics and barbecues are a common and fun way to celebrate Labor Day and bid a fond farewell to summer time. Unfortunately, picnics and barbecues are also a common source of food poisoning. Improper food safety techniques combined with the limitations of outdoor cooking and eating sometimes lead to some very unhappy campers after the […]