Tag: Travel

Saving Money on the Family Summer Vacation

Saving Money on the Family Summer Vacation

| May 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

Summer is rapidly approaching, and you might be thinking ahead to your summer vacation. Do you take a vacation every year? With economic times being what they are, many families have cut out this expense. If you do have a small vacation budget, however, there are some things that you can do to cut down […]

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National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

| April 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

As the snow melts and the weather warms up, you and your kids are probably itching to get outside. While the backyard and the neighborhood parks are fun, they lose their novelty soon enough. National Park Week, which takes place during the last week of April, is the answer to your kids’ pleas of “I’m […]

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It’s Time for Mardi Gras

It’s Time for Mardi Gras

| February 15, 2015 | 14 Comments

Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, takes place on February 17 this year. Each year, it’s the day before Ash Wednesday, which is the start of the 40-day period of Lent, celebrated by Catholics and some other Christian denominations. Last year, we talked about ways to celebrate Mardi Gras at home with the kids. Most of […]

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Avoiding Memorial Day Crowds

Avoiding Memorial Day Crowds

| May 22, 2014 | 0 Comments

Memorial Day is almost here! Since this holiday is often considered the unofficial start of summer, you may be looking forward to spending the weekend on the beach, at a lake or at an amusement park. Unfortunately, everyone else in the United States may have the same plan, so travel this weekend just about guarantees […]

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Fun Spring Break Staycation Ideas

Fun Spring Break Staycation Ideas

| March 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

You’ve heard the term “staycation” before, and we’ve talked about some ideas for vacationing without leaving your general area. Sometimes, though, you might not be able to spend much money at all on your kids’ spring break. Even a day trip or a visit to a local museum might break the bank. If that’s your […]

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Family Friendly Spring Break Travel Ideas

Family Friendly Spring Break Travel Ideas

| March 8, 2012 | 1 Comment

Spring break may conjure up visions of lazing on the beach, drinking, and living it up with other college-aged party animals. Or not, now that you have a family! Your kids might have their break from school at the same time as the spring-breakers that you may have identified with a decade or two ago, […]

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Wi-Fi Missing On Your Plane

Wi-Fi Missing On Your Plane

| September 16, 2011 | 0 Comments

Recently, we took a flight to NYC and realized that the plane we were on did not offer Wi-Fi. According to a recent study, one in five people say they have switched from their preferred airline to one that offers in-flight internet.  The study also showed that more than 50 percent of business travelers and […]

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Best Resorts for Families

Best Resorts for Families

| August 26, 2011 | 1 Comment

We have some up to date travel information on some of the Best Resorts for Families from our friends at Atlas Cruises and Tours. Here is the new trends they found! Today’s opportunities to travel as an extended family are as wide open as your imagination. From shoreline to mountain top, from farmstead to city, […]

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Food Network Travel

Food Network Travel

| July 26, 2011 | 0 Comments

We are huge fans of the food network! As a matter of fact on our last trip to California we looked up all the top rated restaurants as list by the chefs on the food network and we did our own little food tour. Now, the Food Network Tours will be available to all their […]

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Dealing with Time Zone Changes

Dealing with Time Zone Changes

| July 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

We just got back from a long trip to California and we are now on day 1 of dealing with a time zone change. We all adjusted to West Coast time very easily because we had an early flight, we all napped on the plane and went sightseeing and kept ourselves busy as soon as […]

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