Enter our $30 Old Navy Flash Giveaway

| December 11, 2012 | 29 Comments

$30 Old Navy GiftcardIt’s almost Christmas and I don’t know about you but I am out of money! Did you forget anyone on your list? We have a good solution for you, how about a gift card – and a free one to boot! We have added a last minute Giveaway for all your wonderful people! Welcome to the Old Navy Flash Giveaway! We’re giving away a $30 Old Navy Gift Card just in time for some post-holiday shopping!

So what are you waiting for? Enter using the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway will end promptly at 11:59 PM EST on December 25th. Good luck! And please share this with your friends, family, anyone!

Screen Shot 2012-12-26 at 3.45.38 PM

Comments (29)

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  1. thanks for such a cool giveaway!

  2. Sarah L says:

    Been done shopping for a month.
    Merry Christmas.
    Thanks for the contest.

  3. Adrienne says:

    I am almost done Need to do some wrapping

  4. Maureen says:

    Or so I thought until I received a message from a site that had promised the item by Christmas but it will not be by Christmas. What bothers me is that I received this yesterday and well it was the gift I was giving my husband. But he is understanding. Otherwise yes.

  5. Michelle C says:

    Yes, I finished up about 1 week ago. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  6. Holly Trudeau says:

    Yes! I just today finished all my shopping, hooray!

  7. Janel says:

    I’m done with Christmas shopping. πŸ™‚

  8. Katie Ringbauer says:

    I am officially done! One more item coming via UPS tomorrow!

  9. rochelle johnson says:

    yes, i am

  10. maria alvarado says:

    U just got back from getting last minute gift for my brother.


  12. Caitlin chapman says:

    Today is Christmas eve so I guess I have to be done! Ha!

  13. Emily Adams says:

    I am completey finished & I have everything wrapped!

  14. Lorna England says:

    Yep, all set!

  15. nature74 says:

    Thanks for the contest.

  16. Becca Wilson says:

    Yes finally completely done! No last minute gifts for us this year πŸ™‚

  17. Valarie Lee Gentry says:

    I am done shopping and I always do my moms shopping for her and I just finished with her stuff yesterday! Do you know how hard it is to find MATCHING Toms in adult and kid sizes during Christmas?? Lol

  18. kyla whitley says:

    i still have things that are coming in the mail, but will be late. oh well … all my gifts that made it to my house are wrapped … that’s a plus. πŸ˜€

  19. Carol L says:

    Finished my shopping last week. Thanks fr this opportunity. Happy Holidays.
    Carol L

  20. Daniella says:

    My Christmas shopping is done. All I have to do is wrap the presents.

  21. Jan says:

    yes i am

  22. Kami Bryant says:

    I haven’t quite finished yet. It is Christmas Eve and I am headed to the store right now to get a couple last minute gifts for my son.

  23. Mare S says:

    Yes, I’ve been done with my Christmas shopping for awhile, thank goodness!

  24. Michelle dement says:

    Yes I am finally finished lol!

  25. Andrew Johnson says:

    I’m all done with xmas shopping

  26. illy junus says:

    i’m done with my Christmas shopping thanks God for gift card πŸ™‚

  27. Elizabeth J says:

    Yup, I’m done.

  28. Stephanie G says:

    I have been done since September πŸ™‚

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