National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

| April 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

As the snow melts and the weather warms up, you and your kids are probably itching to get outside. While the backyard and the neighborhood parks are fun, they lose their novelty soon enough. National Park Week, which takes place during the last week of April, is the answer to your kids’ pleas of “I’m […]


How You Can Help Families Affected By Autism

How You Can Help Families Affected By Autism

| April 14, 2019 | 1 Comment

You probably have seen and heard that April is Autism Awareness Month. The “ribbon” for autism looks like it’s made up of jigsaw puzzle pieces, and some people have been wearing clothing with the puzzle symbol or decorating their Facebook profiles with the design. By now, most of us are very aware of autism; according […]


Things to Buy on Sale in April

Things to Buy on Sale in April

| March 29, 2019 | 9 Comments

Can you believe it’s April again? The year is already a quarter of the way through, and we’re several months away from the holiday season and hopefully our credit card bills from December are paid off. It’s also tax refund season, so many of us are gearing up to do some shopping! We talked about […]


Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

| March 15, 2019 | 0 Comments

Do you have the luck of the Irish? Even if you don’t hail from Ireland, you can claim a bit o’ luck yourself on March 17, otherwise known as St. Patrick’s Day!  Nestled in the middle of March, St. Patty’s Day is often overlooked; the holidays of Valentine’s Day and Easter loom larger in most […]


March 10 Is Middle Name Pride Day

March 10 Is Middle Name Pride Day

| March 7, 2019 | 15 Comments

Today is Middle Name Pride Day. A rather obscure holiday, it’s a day to celebrate your middle name! When I was pregnant with each of our children, my husband and I would talk at length about names. We put almost as much discussion and thought into middle names as we did into first names, but […]


Dr. Seuss Family Celebration Ideas

Dr. Seuss Family Celebration Ideas

| March 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

Theodor Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss, was a well-loved author of many books for children of all ages. His birthday, March 2, is a day when many libraries, schools and bookstores hold events commemorating this special day and celebrating the magic of his stories. Whether your kids are knee-high to a Who and sounding […]



Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco De Mayo Recipes

Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over French invaders in 1862. Today it is celebrated not only in Mexico but in the US as well. We LOVE mexican food (as a matter of fact tacos are on our weekly family menu) and we can’t wait to have our fiesta tonight! Here are some […]

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Turkey Advice: How to cook it, gadgets to buy

Our resident TopChef and cooking advisor has some Turkey tips for you this holiday season…… It’s just my husband and I in our household, so I rarely make turkey. Perhaps a turkey breast now and then, but never a whole turkey.  Besides I never needed to.  Thanksgiving was always celebrated at my uncle’s house with […]


Things to Buy on Sale in February

Things to Buy on Sale in February

With a special holiday involving flowers, chocolate, and hearts coming up soon, you may have been planning to spend your extra money on Valentine’s Day items over the next couple of weeks. If you’re hoping to save money in February, though, those are definitely not the items that will be on sale… at least not […]

Shopping the January Sales

Shopping the January Sales

If I asked you when the best time is to stock up on school supplies, you’d say July, right? It’s when all of the big box stores tend to have boxes of crayons for fifty cents or two, 10-packs of markers for a couple of bucks, and those spiral notebooks that get caught on everything […]