National Dog Day

| August 26, 2011 | 0 Comments

Every year on August 25 is know as National Dog Day!It is a day to bring awareness to the fact that so many dogs need to be rescued and find a good home. We forget how some dogs serve and protect us in the line of duty, and how many dogs help blind people get around in their everyday surroundings.

125% Price Match GuaranteeNational Dog Day was started in 2004 by author Colleen Paige to honor dogs. Her thought as listed on the website was that dogs deserved””a day”, to show deep appreciation for our long connection to each other – for their endearing patience, unquestioning loyalty, for their work, their capacity for love and their ability to impact our lives everyday in the most miraculous ways. National Dog Day wishes to encourage dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure – and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and ”abuse-free life”.” National Dog Day has officially gone International with 6 countries participating this year! United Kingdom, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, Spain and Canada!

Please consider adopting on National Dog Day!

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