RSSCategory: Family Life

Summer Learning

Summer Learning

| June 25, 2019 | 0 Comments

As summer vacation approaches, one thing that concerns me is summer learning loss: studies show kids lose over two and a half months of math skills and around one month of skills in other subjects over the long vacation period. As much as I want my kids to have their well-deserved break, I know their […]

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How Summer Can Be Hard On Your Kids

How Summer Can Be Hard On Your Kids

| June 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

Summer’s here so it’s time to celebrate, right? Maybe not if your kids thrive on being out and about or love going to school every day. In fact, summer can be hard on a lot of kids and can bring out behavior that isn’t usually seen during the school year. So if you are worried […]

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Summer Camp: Dealing With Anxiety

Summer Camp: Dealing With Anxiety

| June 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

Crying, clinging, bad dreams, stomach butterflies… all signs of separation anxiety. And that’s just you! Or maybe you’re excited about the prospect of some adult time during summer vacation, but your child is nervous about the prospect of new kids, camp counselors, or sleeping away from home. Now that you’ve chosen a summer camp, you […]

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National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

National Park Week: April 20-28, 2019

| April 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

As the snow melts and the weather warms up, you and your kids are probably itching to get outside. While the backyard and the neighborhood parks are fun, they lose their novelty soon enough. National Park Week, which takes place during the last week of April, is the answer to your kids’ pleas of “I’m […]

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How You Can Help Families Affected By Autism

How You Can Help Families Affected By Autism

| April 14, 2019 | 1 Comment

You probably have seen and heard that April is Autism Awareness Month. The “ribbon” for autism looks like it’s made up of jigsaw puzzle pieces, and some people have been wearing clothing with the puzzle symbol or decorating their Facebook profiles with the design. By now, most of us are very aware of autism; according […]

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Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

| March 15, 2019 | 1 Comment

Do you have the luck of the Irish? Even if you don’t hail from Ireland, you can claim a bit o’ luck yourself on March 17, otherwise known as St. Patrick’s Day!  Nestled in the middle of March, St. Patty’s Day is often overlooked; the holidays of Valentine’s Day and Easter loom larger in most […]

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March 10 Is Middle Name Pride Day

March 10 Is Middle Name Pride Day

| March 7, 2019 | 15 Comments

Today is Middle Name Pride Day. A rather obscure holiday, it’s a day to celebrate your middle name! When I was pregnant with each of our children, my husband and I would talk at length about names. We put almost as much discussion and thought into middle names as we did into first names, but […]

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Dr. Seuss Family Celebration Ideas

Dr. Seuss Family Celebration Ideas

| March 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

Theodor Geisel, otherwise known as Dr. Seuss, was a well-loved author of many books for children of all ages. His birthday, March 2, is a day when many libraries, schools and bookstores hold events commemorating this special day and celebrating the magic of his stories. Whether your kids are knee-high to a Who and sounding […]

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Holiday Thoughts, No Bake Kid Friendly Recipes

Holiday Thoughts, No Bake Kid Friendly Recipes

| December 16, 2018 | 0 Comments

I was walking through a Christmas shopping “wonderland” the other day with all the crowds, all the employees frantically trying to restock the shelves and all of the “elves” standing by, ready to pillage through.  Needless to say, it was one of those stores which immediately cause increased holiday stress.  I try not to fall […]

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Trying find that Holiday Shopping Spirit

Trying find that Holiday Shopping Spirit

| December 12, 2018 | 0 Comments

I will admit for several years now something has been missing when the holidays come around. Perhaps it is the state of the world and all the bad news you hear when you turn on the tv. Maybe its all the pressure you have on you to keep your job in order to be able […]

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