Category: Family Life
Best Travel Stroller for Disney World
We recently came back from a trip to Disney World and about 45 minutes into the drive I realized that I had left my favorite travel stroller in the garage. By far my trusty and favorite travel stroller is from the brand Maclaren. We purchased the Techno XT for our first daughter eight years ago […]
How to clean off Lovebugs
This past weekend we went for a little road trip in the Southeastern US and suddenly drove into a cloud of lovebugs. I had to find out more about these bugs and I discovered that they are most popular from the late spring and then regroup again in late summer. It is important to note […]
Getting Sick on Vacation
This past weekend my family and I went away on a short weekend vacation. Twenty-four hours into our trip our four year old wakes me up in the middle of the night with a very high fever. What do you do? Here’s my first tip and I was lucky I passed by the medicine cabinet […]
Soles4Souls | Shoe Charity Recycling Shoes
Have you ever heard of Souls 4 Souls? A member of the school community that my daughter belongs to started a shoe drive in partnership with soles4souls. Soles4Souls® is a shoe charity that collects gently worn shoes and monies to provide shoes to those in need. The donation of shoes gives someone the hope for […]
New way to find out the sex of your baby
Find Out the Sex of Your Baby… in a Cake. This seems to be a new trend going around – ever heard of it? Here is how it goes – the new expectant couple hands a copy of the ultrasound in a sealed envelope with the sex of the baby marked on it from the […]
Sock Bunny Craft
Its Easter and the kids still have not had craft overload. Luckily for me, grandma has one last idea up her sleeve. Lets make a sock bunny – she says! She then brings this big pile or socks over who have lost their match (most likely because the dryer ate it). So here we go […]
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter from all of us at Shopaholic Mommy! We hope you have a wonderful Sunday !
If you are still not sure what to make for Easter here are some classics and remember to check our Food section for more suggestions!
Recipe for Creamy Deviled Eggs a classic and always a favorite
Recipe for a Baked Ham
And […]
How to Fail
All of us Fail. I recently read an article by Seth Godin titled “How To Fail” and it got me thinking. How do you Fail? We all are consumed at times in our life by failure and something wills us to go on and succeed. Do you go out of your way to fail? Sometimes […]
Sunfest 2011 South Florida Festival
Sunfest 2011 is just about 7 days away! This is the 29th year for this festival. If you don’t know already, SunFest is Florida’s largest waterfront music and art festival. It is held every year in downtown West Palm Beach, Florida. Their website lists that each year over 270,000 visitors attend – that is crazy! […]