Category: Family Life

Some of Your Favorite Things of 2012

| December 31, 2012 | 47 Comments

It’s always fun to look back on the old year, and 2012 is no exception. Whether you’ve had a great year or are looking forward to things getting better in 2013, I hope that we can all find something to remember and smile about as we get ready to jump into the brand new year […]

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Winter Safety Tips

| December 29, 2012 | 80 Comments

Winter weather may have kicked into full gear where you are, or you may have another few mild weeks before the coldest part of the year arrives. My family lives in Florida now, so we don’t need to worry too much about ice, snow and freezing temperatures except for the years that we go “home” […]

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How to Lose Weight in 2013

| December 28, 2012 | 94 Comments

With 2013 starting in just a few days, chances are that you’re thinking hard about your new year’s resolutions! Whether you’re one of the few that actually stick to them or, like most of us, you forget about your resolution by the beginning of February, setting goals for the year is something that the majority […]

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Getting Your Kids to Write Thank You Notes

| December 26, 2012 | 32 Comments

After the boxes are opened, the toys played with, and the ribbons and wrappings cleaned up, it’s time to write thank you notes. If getting kids to write thank you notes sounds like a chore, take heart: It doesn’t have to be. Writing thank you notes with your child can actually be a fun activity […]

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Holiday Shopping: Stocking Stuffers

| December 17, 2012 | 82 Comments

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care… and in just a few days, Santa will need to fill them up! When I was a kid, our stockings tended to be full of candy, but there was always an orange in the toe of the stocking. Did Santa do that at your house too? […]

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Talking to Kids About Tragedies

| December 15, 2012 | 56 Comments

With the heartbreaking and horrifying events that happened yesterday in Newtown, Connecticut, many of us are reeling: Not only are we all holding our babies a little tighter today and swallowing back our deepest fears as we fathom putting them on schoolbuses and dropping them off at their schools on Monday, but we may not […]

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Arsenic in Rice: What You Need to Know

| December 13, 2012 | 47 Comments

Every so often, we hear about hidden health hazards in various foods. There could be listeria bacteria in hot dogs, E.Coli in bagged spinach and we know that there’s mercury in canned tuna. Now it has come to our attention that there may be high levels of arsenic in something that many of us feed […]

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Treats for the Birds

| December 11, 2012 | 24 Comments

During the warm months, berries, fruits and worms are plentiful and provide hearty sustenance for our fine feathered friends. Now that the ground is cold and maybe even frozen in your area, and many trees and bushes no longer have berries, the birds that did not fly south for the winter might be scrounging for […]

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Toddlerproofing During the Holidays

| December 10, 2012 | 28 Comments

This is the time of year when company is coming and going, new decorations are out in full view and you might be visiting relatives. To your toddler, this is extremely exciting, and her curiosity is probably piqued. While you know what she tends to get into at your home on a normal day, you […]

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Fun Science Experiments to Do Indoors

| December 5, 2012 | 22 Comments

During your child’s winter break and on snowy weekends throughout the winter, you’ll be looking for ways to keep everyone occupied with their brains engaged. My kids love doing science experiments, the messier the better! Since it’s not really the season to let them make slime and explode volcanoes outside in most parts of the […]

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