Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

World Food Day: Feed the Hungry
October 16th is World Food Day. World Food Day was established in 1979 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. October 16th was chosen as the annual date of World Food Day to commemorate the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization on that date in 1945. Beginning in 191, the Food […]

October is National Arts and Humanities Month
October is National Arts and Humanities Month. While you might think that your kids are too young to participate, even preschoolers can start learning about the importance of the arts and culture in everyday life! Exposing kids to various experiences and different people is a great way to help them learn about their own culture, […]

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes
Do your kids know what they want to be for Halloween this year? Mine have been talking about what to wear for Halloween pretty much since last Halloween. So far I have one Batman, one princess, and one undecided. The first two are pretty easily found in the store, but I suspect the undecided is […]

TOMS Vision: World Sight Day 2012
Did you know that out of the 285 million people worldwide who are blind or vision-impaired, about 90 percent live in developing countries? Imagine the hardships you would face if you had a severe vision impairment, even living in the United States. Then think about how much more difficult your life would be if you […]

October is Protect Your Hearing Month
Did you know that October is National Protect Your Hearing Month? According to the American Academy of Audiology, hearing loss is the third most common health problem in America, and, perhaps more surprisingly, over half of the Americans experiencing this hearing loss are under the age of 65. Clearly, this is a problem that needs […]

Observing Columbus Day With Kids
Columbus Day this year falls on Monday, October 8th. Because the kids may be home from school, you’re probably looking for ways to entertain them. You may also want them to learn and understand a little bit about the holiday. Your kids may be interested in many aspects of the Columbus story. Who was he, […]

Choosing a Winter Coat
Hard as it may be to believe, the winter months will be here before we know it. And if your winter coat is looking a little threadbare, the impending arrival of winter may mean that it’s time for you to shop for a new winter coat. Because a good winter coat is normally more expensive […]

Enjoying Football Games With Kids
It’s football season! If your family are avid football fans, it’s natural that you’ll want to introduce your kids to this favorite fall pastime. If they’re young and it’s their first time going to a football game, though, you might be asking for disaster if you simply show up without any preparation or forethought. Depending […]

How to Save Money on Sports Equipment
If you have a middle- or high-schooler, chances are that he or she wants to participate in school sports. My teenager is on the golf team now, and plans to join the soccer team during the winter sports season. Her equipment is not cheap: from golf shoes to a golf glove (who knew?) to soccer […]

Non-Food Celebrations at School
At many preschools and elementary schools, parents aren’t allowed to send cupcakes or ice cream in on their child’s birthday. While this might cause accusations of the school or teacher being scrooge-like, most of the time the reason is due to food allergies and sensitivities, as well as greater awareness of the health and behavioral […]