World Food Day 2011

| October 11, 2011 | 1 Comment

World Food Day is on October 16. The sole purposed is to bring awareness to the global issue of hunger. Each year it is observed in order to bring more support and make an impact on a local level. This year makes the 31st observance of World Food Day which was started by the United Nations. More than one hundred and fifty countries participate on many different levels. The international community comes together to measure the impact of poverty and hunger throughout the world.  With the rising cost of food prices globally help is need more than ever. For poor families when food prices spike there is less money which means less food to buy so more people than ever are going to bed hungry. There is not enough grain supply to fill the demand. It is reported that there are eighty million new people born every year and there just is not enough to go around. This year in the United States, World Food Day will be used to voice against Monsanto or GMO. This is a call for all genetically engineered food to stop being produced. The push to eat more organic foods and the dangers of what artificial flavors can do to our bodies has become a hot topic in the food industry. It is believes that over seventy-five million of us are affected by GMO’s every year and it is because the food is available at our local grocery stores.

Be informed, know the dangers of Monsanto and the problems they cause to our families health. Support your local green markets and farms that do not use chemicals to grow food. There are ways that we can all help but being an informed consumer is the first step. I wrote about the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides 2011 so you would know the fifteen clean foods to buy. After reading the book Unhealthy Truth I know have a totally different knowledge base on what this to buy and where so that I can protect my family and not buy toxic food.

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  1. Jenny Solar says:

    We are reading The Unhealthy Truth right now and it’s shocking! thanks for sharing this!

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