Dealing with Time Zone Changes

| July 20, 2011 | 0 Comments

We just got back from a long trip to California and we are now on day 1 of dealing with a time zone change. We all adjusted to West Coast time very easily because we had an early flight, we all napped on the plane and went sightseeing and kept ourselves busy as soon as we arrived. On the trip home to the East Coast it was a little different because we had a morning flight out and no one was sleepy because we had just woken up. We all stayed awake till we got sleepy which was around 12:30am EST. Make sure you do not make any plans for the day after your return so that you can take time to rest and recover and let your body get used to the time change. The kids slept till 11am EST and now everybody seems to be rested and happy. Now we will spend the rest of the day relaxing and napping – sounds like a good day to me!

My suggestion as far as flights would be if you are going to the west coast from the east coast take a morning flight out so that you have time to enjoy the new city you are visiting and let everyone get acclimated. If you are flying overseas with your kids try to find a flight that leaves around dinner time so that you and your child will sleep on the way there. Make sure that you and your child drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. For more Family Travel visit our travel and Coupons section.

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