Last year in celebration of Earth Day, April 22, Jack’s Harvest award-winning baby food had a giveaway! Stay tuned for this years EarthDay because you may have the same opportunity. It is so hard to find baby food that has not been recalled. We are parents want to know that we are feed our baby the healthiest food possible. Always do your research and check recent recalls before you head to the grocery store. We live in a very scary world when it comes to food and more people are dying from food borne illnesses than ever.
We have to take food into our own hands and be informed consumers. I would love to use an online service to order my groceries because that way I could research all the companies before I buy them. Services like Peapod off this to people in certain parts of the United States. Peapod provides service to Chicagoland, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia
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