Extreme Amazon Shopping Money

| April 23, 2012 | 24 Comments

This April we are bringing you the Extreme Amazon Giveaway! Why is it Extreme? How about a $100 Amazon Gift Card Prize goes to one lucky reader! We love shopping on Amazon because the deals are great and the shipping is fast! All you have to do is follow the instructions in the Rafflecopter form below to enter and remember the more entries you complete the better your chances of winning.

Giveaway ends May 6th at 11:59 PM EST. Good luck!

Comments (24)

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  1. Tanya R says:

    Not sure where I am supposed to leave the daily comment entry comment but I’m guessing here.

    “What’s one item on your Amazon wishlist?”
    I am a big fan of Doctor Who so the 10th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver is on my wishlist.

  2. carrie says:

    One item on my amazon wishlist is some expensive lotion (Cerave) for my baby who has terrible exzema!

  3. Addison Kat says:

    A BOB double stroller

  4. Lyndi Flugum-Collins says:

    A Step2 slide for my toddlers.

  5. Juliana says:

    I am saving up to buy a kindle, which has been on my wishlist for about a year and a half!

  6. Ise C Dunkley (Questions Mark) says:

    Faith Hunter’s “Blood Cross”

  7. Addison Kat says:

    kindle fire!

  8. Juliana says:

    I have about 70 ebooks on my wishlist!

  9. Addison Kat says:

    digital camera

  10. Juliana says:

    A new cross body bag.

  11. Addison Kat says:

    video baby monitor

  12. Juliana says:

    A kindle case.

  13. Juliana says:


  14. Addison Kat says:

    nap nanny

  15. Addison Kat says:

    kindle books

  16. jennifer speed says:

    a new battery for my phone

  17. Addison Kat says:

    Leap Pad for my daughter

  18. Addison Kat says:

    Zildjian ZBT 14-Inch Crash Cymbal

  19. Addison Kat says:


  20. Addison Kat says:

    electric toothbrush

  21. Addison Kat says:

    a camera

  22. Addison Kat says:

    dyson vacuum

  23. Addison Kat says:


  24. Addison Kat says:

    bassinet for baby

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