Category: Spring

Growing May Flowers: Easy Picks for New Gardeners

| May 17, 2023 | 0 Comments

The April showers should be winding down now, as it’s time for May flowers, as the saying goes. The reality is that when you plant flowers really depends on where you live. Before you try to plant anything, you should talk to someone at your local nursery or at least look up which agricultural zone […]

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May Day Traditions to Enjoy at Home

| May 1, 2023 | 4 Comments

May 1 is also known as May Day in some parts of the world. This holiday has been celebrated for thousands of years; it likely started out as a pagan celebration of the spring, fertility and the new year (this was before the current calendar came to be). Now, children and adults in various parts […]

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Spring Birthday Party Ideas

| April 3, 2022 | 4 Comments

Do you have a birthday boy or girl during the spring months of April or May? If you don’t live in a southern state, it’s not warm enough yet for a pool party, but it’s most likely nice enough to have a party in your backyard or at the local park! Of course, you’ll need […]

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Things to Do on Spring Break at Home

| March 11, 2022 | 17 Comments

Some school districts have spring break in March and others in April. Unfortunately, with the many snow storms so far this year, they have been wreaking havoc across the northeast; some school districts closed for a week in February and will be losing their spring breaks! If this is the case for you, you might […]

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Delicious Dinners Using Spring Vegetables

| April 6, 2021 | 5 Comments

Now that the weather is warming up, most of us don’t want to spend exorbitant amounts of time in the kitchen. The sun is shining longer into the evening, the kids are involved in spring sports, and let’s face it: The last thing we want on busy weeknights is to spend a lot of time […]

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How You Can Help Families Affected By Autism

| April 14, 2019 | 1 Comment

You probably have seen and heard that April is Autism Awareness Month. The “ribbon” for autism looks like it’s made up of jigsaw puzzle pieces, and some people have been wearing clothing with the puzzle symbol or decorating their Facebook profiles with the design. By now, most of us are very aware of autism; according […]

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Gardening With Kids: Getting Started

| March 26, 2018 | 25 Comments

Almost every winter, I say that this will be the year that I’ll start a garden with the kids. And every year, summer rolls around without me actually starting a garden. We’ve done containers of tomato plants and we usually have some potted herbs on our back porch, but we’ve never done the type of […]

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Easter Gifts for Teens

| April 10, 2017 | 12 Comments

Once your child has grown out of Easter egg hunts, what is there to do on Easter morning? First, you might be surprised at how much a teen will still enjoy an egg hunt if younger siblings are participating. Or, she might like to be the one to hide the eggs! Assuming you have no […]

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Today is the First Day of Spring!

| March 20, 2015 | 8 Comments

Hooray, spring is here! For those in colder climates, you may have been counting down the days to this day. Of course, winter weather like snow and sleet is still possible in many areas, but the good news is that the days are getting longer and the weather is bound to start getting warmer soon. […]

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Redecorating Your Child’s Bedroom This Spring

| March 29, 2014 | 8 Comments

Spring tends to be the time that we spruce up, clean up and re-organize parts of our home. Our kids’ rooms should be no exception! You know how nice it is to come home to a freshly painted living room, or a redecorated kitchen. It’s also easier and more enjoyable to keep a newly redecorated […]

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