Lasting Impact of a Coach
Thank a Coach
The coaches my kids have are amazing. How do I know in the first week? Well, they are the same ones I have from last season. One is a long time friend of mine and I am blessed to have him looking out for us each and every season. The other coach I just met by chance when he randomly selected my daughter last season and we really lucked out.
Both of these coaches really “get” the reasons I have decided to sign my kids up to play even despite our current financial struggles. We are all feeling the effects of the economy right now but there are certain experiences which will teach children invaluable lessons. It is worth the sacrifice to have some of the life lessons I am working so hard to teach my kids be reinforced outside of the house.
The top three reasons that come to my mind are:
• Teamwork. This is a big one. It is so important that our children learn to work with others since there are few things in life when you do not need another person’s help.
• Good sportsmanship. This covers quite a bit. It is important for our athletes to treat each other with respect. There will be a game your child will lose, they need to know how to treat others when this happens.
• Learning to lose – let’s face it, you don’t have to learn to win. It is important for children to learn that while winning is great, it is not everything. It is important for children t learn this at a young age since it is impossible to win at everything. The older a child gets without learning how to lose, the more that child may develop a paralyzing fear of failure.
So, be sure to thank your coaches. I make sure we thank our coaches at the end of every practice and game. I try to wait until the crowd has cleared out a little and then send my child over to thank him so he knows we appreciate the time spent. I think it is important for our children to appreciate when other people go out of their way for them. I know I appreciated it when I was a cheer leading coach back when I was young, single and didn’t even have the time restraints of having my own children. I know, the very definition of “free time.”
Enjoy your season and thank those coaches!
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