Category: Shopping

Things to Buy on Sale in July

| June 29, 2022 | 0 Comments

Can you believe that we’re already halfway through the year? It’s already July, and retailers are taking advantage of the hot weather, Independence Day and school starting next month in many areas. You’ll see “Christmas in July” sales at many stores, and occasionally, the deals rival those that you might find on Black Friday! This […]

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What to Buy on Sale in March

| February 28, 2022 | 17 Comments

You know what they say about March: It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. As the lion blows through, you can look forward to warmer spring days ahead. You can also look forward to some great sales, as there are items that typically are on sale this month. The good […]

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Things to Buy on Sale in October

| September 30, 2021 | 10 Comments

It may not feel like fall quite yet in all parts of the country but fall is officially here! October brings images of pumpkin carving, the last weeks of apple picking, fall fairs, long sleeves, colorful leaves and chilly nights. We are somewhere in between it not being back-to-school season anymore, and it’s not quite […]

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Gift Ideas for the new Graduates

| May 21, 2020 | 0 Comments

High school graduation is a huge step from adolescence to adulthood. High school graduations are taking place right now, and you might be getting ready to attend a graduation party at some point in late May or June. While it is tempting to stick some cash in a card (after all, green suits everyone!), if […]

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Redecorating on the Cheap

| January 5, 2020 | 47 Comments

Now that December has passed, you might be feeling a little bit of that post-holiday letdown. If it’s cold and snowy where you live, you might also be feeling a little stir-crazy! Since most of us don’t have much money to spend on extras just a few days into the new year, it’s easy for […]

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Holiday Bargains: Gift Baskets and Care Packages

| December 4, 2019 | 24 Comments

The holidays are quickly approaching, but if you’re like anything like me, you spend the first half of December wishing that you’d started your holiday shopping earlier! With many of us feeling the economic pinch, you might not be in the position to spend a lot of money on Christmas and Hanukkah gifts. Homemade gifts […]

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How to Choose a Backpack

| August 9, 2019 | 4 Comments

We seem to have an abundance of backpacks at our house. We’ve got character backpacks from Dora to Spongebob to Power Rangers, plus several solid-color or print backpacks. With that said, every year, my kids want a new backpack to go along with all of their spiffy new back-to-school clothes. I don’t mind, as after […]

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Things to Buy on Sale in April

| March 29, 2019 | 9 Comments

Can you believe it’s April again? The year is already a quarter of the way through, and we’re several months away from the holiday season and hopefully our credit card bills from December are paid off. It’s also tax refund season, so many of us are gearing up to do some shopping! We talked about […]

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How to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns

| December 24, 2018 | 0 Comments

We are on the Eve of Christmas and as the time counts down you can almost feel the impending meltdown! The holidays are a special time for families. Each year is a benchmark in the lives of children, and with each passing holiday season comes new joys and new challenges. With all of the time […]

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Back to School Clothes Shopping: Strategies for Success

| August 14, 2018 | 9 Comments

It’s that time of the year again! The leaves on the trees are starting to change over to their fall splendor, a hint of crispness is in the air, it’s almost apple-picking season… and oh yes, the kids are going back to school! It’s a time that we moms look toward with mixed feelings; perhaps […]

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