Preparing for Black Friday
- Start a list. As the ads come in, flip through them to find items that you want, and begin writing must-haves on a master list. Along with the item, write down what time the store opens. You will want to be waiting for the doors to open if you’re looking for very popular items, such as electronics.
- Check the websites of your favorite stores each day. Some already have their ads out, and others are waiting a bit longer. You can also “like” the store pages on Facebook; that way, their updates will appear in your news feed.
- Make a timeline. The first stores may be putting out merchandise at or before midnight on Black Friday. Determine whether you’ll go shopping during all of the wee hours, or if you’d rather sleep and begin at 5:00 or 6:00 am, and make a schedule for yourself. Remember that you may need to stand in line for quite some time before the store opens; find out by asking those in your area who have shopped the Black Friday sales before.
- Prepare the night before. Put out comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes for shopping. Make sure you have gas in the car. Have your coffee maker set and a travel mug ready to be filled, or put a bottle of water in the fridge so you’ll have it.
- Once you get into the first store, stick to your list! The stores will be arranged so that you will make impulse purchases. While you’re hemming and hawing over a deal that you hadn’t even considered, someone else will be getting the items that you came in for in the first place. Try not to allow yourself to get distracted.
- Divide and conquer. If you find that you’d need to be in two places at once in order to get some of the important items on your list, join forces with a friend. You grab the items she needs from store A, and she’ll grab what you need from store B.
- Be nice. There’s no need for pushing or shoving, or for taking someone’s item out of her cart. Also, be friendly to the cashiers; they have a long day of ringing people out ahead of them!
If you don’t get the items that you wanted, don’t panic. Cyber Monday is just a few days after Black Friday, and chances are that you will be able to get some really great deals that day, too. Even better, you won’t even have to get out of your pajamas to shop.
What Black Friday deal are you the most excited about?
Nice preparation list. I look for great deals at the electronics and appliance section.
So funny but true, you make it like it’s a war zone out there and it is, people get crazy on this night.
I absolutely love Black Friday sales! I love Cyber Monday even better! LOL
Every year I say i’m through with all the hectic shopping and the crowds, but I can’t wait for Blck Friday to start! LOL
Thanks for the hints. I don’t do Black Friday every year, but maybe this year since I’m more prepared.
i know blk fridays a hudge event but theres no way id shop that day. its not worth it
I think iam going to shop on line this year. It is complete chaois on black friday
This is really good advice. I’m hoping to Black Friday shopping this year for the first time ever. It usually looks pretty crazy on tv so I’m hoping it goes ok.
I love Black Friday! Always have:)
Very excited!!
I never do black Friday. The deals just aren’t as prevalent as you’d think. I find great deals right online.
Awesome Tips!!! I love showing on Black Friday! I’m always able to get some amazing deals!!!
Last year was the first time (since I was a kid and liked doing crazy stuff at midnight) that I went out on Black Friday. What an experience that was. I would like to do it again but my biggest problem is staying up that late!
We don’t have that here in Canada but these are some great tips for shopping in general. Thanks
That is a good, organized approach!
I’ve never shopped on Black Friday in the stores. I do shop online Black Friday deals and other online specials I find. I just can’t fight through all the people.
Thanks for the tips! I can’t wait for Black Friday!
Thanks for all the Black Friday tips..It helps alot when shopping at several different stores
If I had someone to go with then I would do Black Friday. I went out one time by myself and I was scared to death.
Thanks for sharing this article with us. There are some nice and handy tips in it. I decided not to go out in the madness on Friday. Too much madness and stories of people getting into fights. I am probably going to end up doing most of it online to save gas, time, and hassle. To those who are going out to do their shopping. Be safe!!
I am making sure that I get to Walmart early to get the items that I want on Black Friday. I will be going with my sister, so it will help to get our items. I hope that it does not get to hectic, but it seems that Walmart has gotten better with providing fast lines to check out!
great tips i shop online and in stores on black friday
Great list! I seldom shop online but I’ll keep your list in mind. Thanks for sharing.