Category: House and Home

Getting Organized in the Coming Year: Finances

| January 11, 2024 | 13 Comments

As January comes to an end, most of us have all of our tax forms rolling in, and it’s almost time to start getting everything in order before the tax man comes calling on April 15. While you’re busily gathering receipts W-2s and documentation from the bank, you might be overwhelmed at the state of […]

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Getting Organized: Tame Your Schedule

| January 3, 2024 | 86 Comments

Happy New Year! Is one of your new year’s resolutions to get organized? Many of us have that same resolution year after year… I know I do! One of the problems is that, especially when you have kids, nothing is constant. Clothes are outgrown, the kids’ activities change season to season, carpool arrangements change each […]

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Growing May Flowers: Easy Picks for New Gardeners

| May 17, 2023 | 0 Comments

The April showers should be winding down now, as it’s time for May flowers, as the saying goes. The reality is that when you plant flowers really depends on where you live. Before you try to plant anything, you should talk to someone at your local nursery or at least look up which agricultural zone […]

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Redecorating on the Cheap

| January 5, 2020 | 47 Comments

Now that December has passed, you might be feeling a little bit of that post-holiday letdown. If it’s cold and snowy where you live, you might also be feeling a little stir-crazy! Since most of us don’t have much money to spend on extras just a few days into the new year, it’s easy for […]

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Getting Organized: Planning Ahead for a Garage Sale

| March 14, 2016 | 30 Comments

The snow may be blowing where you are, and you might think that it’s silly to even think about getting ready for a garage sale! Time flies, though, and if you’re in the process of getting organized anyway, you might as well kill two birds with one stone and prep your unwanted items now. This […]

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Decluttering the House

| February 3, 2015 | 0 Comments

Now that the holidays are over, your house might look similar to your local toy store, but not nearly as organized. It’s a great time to purge toys (sshhh, don’t tell your kids), Christmas items and all the extra stuff that you don’t need. Here’s some tips to get you started.
Start With The Closet
I don’t […]

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Redecorating Your Child’s Bedroom This Spring

| March 29, 2014 | 8 Comments

Spring tends to be the time that we spruce up, clean up and re-organize parts of our home. Our kids’ rooms should be no exception! You know how nice it is to come home to a freshly painted living room, or a redecorated kitchen. It’s also easier and more enjoyable to keep a newly redecorated […]

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The Search for Green Laundry Detergent

| July 21, 2013 | 0 Comments

I have been reading recently about the additives and contaminants found in laundry detergents. My favorite detergent has been Tide: The clothes come out nice and clean, and they smell great, too. Unfortunately, Tide is one of the detergents that contain a lot of potentially harmful chemicals, it seems. Reading more about this issue, I […]

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Getting Organized: Kids’ Closets

| January 30, 2013 | 22 Comments

The messiest places in my house are, without a doubt, the kids’ rooms. From school papers spilling off of the desk to clothing falling out of the drawers, I know that if I don’t keep on top of them, they’ll let their bedrooms spiral into unkempt conditions very quickly! One thing that I’ve found, however, […]

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Getting Organized: The Kitchen

| January 16, 2013 | 58 Comments

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it’s also one of those places that can spiral into disorder with alarming speed! I know that as soon as I get the kitchen all neat and tidy after one meal, it’s nearly time to start cooking again… and I don’t make terribly elaborate meals. Along […]

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