Petition Kraft To Get Rid of Artificial Dyes

| April 28, 2011 | 0 Comments

I really did not understand what kind of dyes and preservatives I was serving my kids until I read the book the Unhealthy Truth. There is a video at the bottom of that page that I suggest all parents watch – it is really eye opening. Did you know that huge companies like Coca-Cola, Kraft and Mars voluntarily removed artificial colors, the preservative sodium benzoate, and even aspartame from their products that they sell overseas? Why you wonder? Europe, Asia, Australia and over 17 countries refused to sell products from these big American companies because of the preservatives in them. Another great article to read is “Toxins in Our Kids’ Foods: Where Is the FDA?

Thankfully, the people at Healthy Child Healthy World have started a petition so we here in the United States can put the same pressure on Kraft and other big companies to remove all these artificial dyes. At the least they should sell us what they sell other countries. Let’s demand that Kraft Foods clean up its US act, and remove risky artificial food dyes from their products.

Sign the petition Here! And make sure to pass it one to your friends – together we can demand change for our kids!

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