Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

| December 22, 2014 | 54 Comments

Panettone BreadBy now, most of us have our shopping and wrapping done (unless you’re finishing up your wrapping after the kids go to bed!). You may be getting together with friends and family tonight, or you may be going to church for a lovely candle-lit service. Or, you might stay home and do your own thing on Christmas Eve. If you celebrate Christmas and you have children at home, though, tomorrow morning is sure to be fun! My kids are up before the sun and are usually pouncing on our beds, eager to get up and see what Santa has brought! More than once, they’ve come in at 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning, only to get sent back to bed (or invited into our bed if they could be quiet!) with instructions to not come back until 6:30. The rule is always that Daddy and I needed to have coffee started and cats fed before the unwrapping melee could begin.

One thing that tends to go by the wayside in our house is what to serve for breakfast on Christmas Day. Sometimes, it’s cinnamon rolls fresh from the whack-and-bake package. Other years, I get it together enough to make pancakes, eggs and bacon to enjoy after the gifts have been opened. Here are a few other ideas, if you haven’t given this any thought yet:

  • French Toast Casserole  I think that this is what I’m going to do this year. I have found several recipes, and they call for a loaf of French or Italian bread, layered with eggs, milk, vanilla, nuts, brown sugar and various other bits of yumminess in a casserole dish. Refrigerate overnight and bake in the morning for 45 minutes or so. This appeals to me because it seems easy enough to improvise and because I can throw it in the oven while we’re opening gifts, then it will be ready when we’re done.
  • Fresh Fruit and Cereal  Particularly if you’re the one cooking Christmas dinner, just some easy foods on hand might be easiest for everyone. Some berries, oranges, apples and pears along with cold or hot cereal (maybe something out-of-the-ordinary that your kids will love, like Cocoa Puffs or Lucky Charms, even!) are pretty mess-free and easy enough that everyone can help him- or herself.
  • Christmas Brunch  Do you have your main meal on Christmas Eve or later in the evening on Christmas Day? A relaxing brunch at 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning might be a nice way to come together as a family after the excitement of the gifts has passed. Make a crustless quiche, grilled cheese sandwiches cut into quarters, deviled eggs, a fruit salad, muffins and whatever other foods your family likes.
  • Slowcooked Egg Casserole  How about filling up your crockpot tonight, and waking up to breakfast already made for you? Mix a bag of frozen hash browns with ten eggs, a half-pound of cubed or sliced ham, a cup of milk and a cup of shredded cheddar cheese. In a pan on the stove, sautee an onion and a green pepper until cooked, and add that to the mixture. Turn the crockpot on low and cook for nine hours. Serve this on its own or add toast, and breakfast is done!

Whether you take the time to plan breakfast tonight or just rely on whatever you have when morning comes, tomorrow morning is sure to be special and exciting. Merry Christmas!

Comments (54)

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  1. Bella T. says:

    I’ve been searching the net all week to figure out what to make on Christmas! I’m going to do the French Toast Casserole and the Christmas Brunch so thank you very much for sharing!

  2. Holly S. says:

    I’m so glad I came across this; I am having a breakfast conundrum! I am cooking for our families on Christmas day, and daddy usually gets up and makes pancakes or waffle on Christmas morning while I start the ham and casseroles, but daddy has the flu this year 🙁 I think I’ll whip up a french toast casserole today and stick it in the fridge for the morning. Thanks!

  3. Barbara Mayes says:

    Thanks for the ideas! I am going to have to try the slow cooked egg casserole!

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says:

    I love your ideaas so that have more time for myself on Christmas morning. The French toast sound great.

  5. ANN*H says:

    Being always on the go or visiting here and there. Sometimes its hard to cook and take the time to eat at home. On Christmas day forget it all they want to do is get up and open them presents heck with eating first. So things made a day ahead are great like your yummy slow cooked egg casserole are the perfect thing . Just heat and eat and then you can enjoy all the festive things with the family too.

  6. Michelle S says:

    The french toast casserole looks scrumptious!

  7. Kimberly Newcomb says:

    The French toast sound yummy.

  8. Debbie Moon says:

    The slow cooked egg casserole sounds delishous. Copied recipe going to put it on tonight for morning breakfast. Thanks for the recipes.

  9. Lydia says:

    I made a french toast casserole last year that was much too sweet. I’ll be trying a new recipe this year!

  10. I had some ideas for breakfast but these are good ones!

  11. Deborah D says:

    the french toast sounds wonderful!!!!!!!!

  12. Karen Glatt says:

    For breakfast on Christmas morning, I would like to have a French Toast Casserole. I always like French Toast, and I think that having it as a casserole would be delicious!

  13. Tina Seagraves says:

    sticking with bacon and eggs

  14. Shannon says:

    Looks good!

  15. Betsy Barnes says:

    Great ideas! I think I will try the French Toast casserole too! 🙂

  16. Blessed Assurance says:

    It’s always good to stop and take care of ourselves.

  17. rose johnson says:

    the french toast caserole looks good

  18. Mya Murphy says:

    All of those dang near seem too filling. Sorry, I’m sticking with frsh fruit and toast maybe. With Christmas THAT day, you have ALL day to stuff yourself.

  19. Rachel says:

    I love these!

  20. michelle combs says:


  21. Priscilla Sifuentes says:

    The French Toast Casserole sounds so good! What a great way to start Christmas morning.

  22. tami s says:

    I’m going to try the crock pot casserole. I’ve made something like this in the oven but this will b so much easier.

  23. claudia says:

    I like the French Toast Casserole , Thank you for sharing ! Merry Christmas!

  24. Jennifer Johansen says:

    That french toast casserole sounds pretty tasty!

  25. Barbara T Dunaway says:

    i like your Christmas Morning Breakfast ideas

  26. Jennifer Mae Hiles says:

    I really like the sounds of the French Toast Casserole. I have never had it before. We are big fans of eggs, toast and bacon also!

  27. deb p says:

    I’m making Coffee cake. Merry Christmas , Ho Ho Ho!

  28. Lauryn Heintzelman says:

    Yumm! We made pancake muffins with strawberries and thinking next time putting green food coloring or something in it. They turned out great.

  29. some really great ideas for breakfast

  30. Luda says:

    We usually split opening presents between christmas eve and christmas, we found it its more interesting that way kids get to concentrate on what they got instead of over picking. Speaking about Christmas breakfast, slow cooker egg casserole sounds something i might try. Having wholesome cookies with oatmeal and nuts another breakfast treat of ours, you never feel guilty have a cookie in the morning if its nutritious!

  31. Sylvia Ortiz says:

    These are some “unusual” breakfasts but sound delicious and easy to prepare. I think I might try the French Toast Casserole tomorrow morning. 🙂

  32. Donna Collins says:

    I think I am going to try French toast casserole for tomorrow, I can make it tonight and throw it in the oven before I go to work. That should please my daughter, she loves french toast

  33. Robin O says:

    Merry Christmas to all! I am going to serve fresh fruit and yogurt and cereal first; then we will open our gifts; then we’ll have a bigger meal later in the day. I would love to try the French Toast casserole someday!

  34. Chrystal D says:

    Yum, they all sound good! Thanks for the ideas.

  35. Kimberly R. says:

    lots of new ideas, thanks. I need to make a change from the usual.

  36. illy junus says:

    thank you for giving this idea…I need this now… 🙂

  37. Sandy V. says:

    Thank you for the Christmas morning breakfast ideas. I like the French Toast casserole idea.

  38. Rosemary M says:

    The French Toast Casserole sounds simple and everyone would love it!

  39. rochelle haynes says:

    Good cooking!!

  40. Daraya says:

    Thanks for the ideas! A french toast casserole sounds delicious! 🙂

  41. Mona says:

    Sounds yummy. I’ll try it 🙂

  42. sharlene says:

    sounds good

  43. Marylee says:

    Hot rolls and egg’s bacon and sausage it on top on the menu

  44. Kathy Idol says:

    I tried the French Toast Casserole for our family breakfast this morning. Everyone loved it. Thanks for s!aring#

  45. Stephanie Larison says:

    Mmm, I’d never heard of French Toast Casserole until now. Even though Christmas is now over, I will definitely have to try this one out!

  46. Judy Bradley says:

    I do not remember Christmas breakfast being anything special when I was a child, but when my own children were young, I wanted it to be good experience – as well as nutritious since there would be abundant sweets throughout the day. I had pretty red breakfast plates and small goblets we used mostly on Christmas. We ended up doing waffles & ham after the year I received a waffle iron for Christmas. I had bought a ham to cook for dinner, but everyone wanted waffles – so waffles & ham it was!

  47. angie says:

    these are great ideas and recipes!

  48. Kristine A says:

    I’ve never even thought of slow cooking eggs like that. Genius!

  49. ashley marie miles says:


  50. Andy Grice says:

    Reading that made me hungry,so many tidbit ideas there.

  51. rochelle haynes says:

    great food

  52. Daraya says:

    I LOVE French toast! 🙂 Thanks for posting these great ideas!

  53. Kimberly Davis says:

    I love French Toast.

  54. Lily Kwan says:

    These breakfast ideas sound very tasty. Thanks for sharing!

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