Kids and Lawn Care Safety
- Small children shouldn’t ever be left outdoors unattended. Even if they’re occupied picking weeds or watering the garden, their curiosity can get the best of them within seconds. You never know when a little one will decide to taste an inedible plant or run off in pursuit of a butterfly that flew by and headed toward the road. If your child isn’t old enough to play outside on her own, don’t let her work outside on her own, either.
- Remember that gardening soil may have chemicals that you’d rather not have your kids playing with and touching. If you add synthetic fertilizers or any type of pest control products, make sure that they stay away until it’s safe to handle the soil again. Read the directions on the package or call the toll free number listed on the product if you have doubts.
- Kids under 12 shouldn’t use push- or walk-behind mowers, and kids under 16 shouldn’t use ride-on mowers. Teach them how to observe safety rules, like watching carefully for twigs and rocks that could get thrown up in the air, and never reaching under the mower to unclog it; they need to get an adult to handle that. (And that adult needs to make sure that the blades have completely stopped rotating before attempting to dislodge anything!) When using a push-mower on a hill, have your child go from side to side along to slope to eliminate the possibility that he’ll slip and the mower will move toward him with the blades spinning. If he’s on a ride-on mower, though, he should go up and down the hill to avoid tipping over.
- Make sure all kids are wearing appropriate apparel for lawn work. This includes closed-toe non-skid shoes, gardening gloves, eye protection if mowing the lawn and long pants and sleeves to protect against thorny bushes and ticks, if these are applicable to your area or the type of work that you’ll be doing. Also, have your kids wear sunscreen on exposed body areas and insect repellant if ticks and mosquitos are prevalent in your area.
Working on the lawn and garden together is a great way to bond, and also an important step in teaching kids to be self-sufficient. It’s important to observe a few safety rules to be sure that everyone is as safe as possible and forms good habits.
My toddler has his own “garden shoes” aka crocks 🙂 And his own set of earplugs for when he gets to ride the mower with his daddy.
You brought up some very important points that every one needs know.
I grew up in a farming community in the 1950’s. Some of my class mates lost fingers working on the farm. While gardening and yard work are essential and natural, as parents or grand parents, we do need to be aware of these hazards.
this is so well written, I would love to have you add this on my guest blog for my blog launch, please?
Well written article. I never left my kids outside alone. As stated in your article, it only takes a second for your child to get hurt. Thanks for the information.
Great points! And I like Sam Dock’s pointers on the shoes and ear plugs. Also, really really really try not to use poisonouse chemicals on your lawn, even if your town/city allows it (our’s -thank goodness – has outlawed poisons on lawns).
As spring rolls in and we all start spending more time outside it is always important to supervise the kids outside. Besides all the bugs and snakes they can find on their own kids have a way of finding trouble if there isn’t someone there to guide them. Great article!
I love when my kids can help me outside in the yard. They get a sense of pride when the accomplish a task and I enjoy seeing them learn and ask me questions. Great idea Sam, crocs are always goo because they are easy to take on and off and I never thought about the earplugs. Great site !
These are some great reminders. You love having the kids play outside for fresh air and all, but just keep in mind that they are still children!