Passing on the love of Reading
Ready for Reading
Incorporate reading into your baby’s daily routine. I truly enjoy the bonding time of sharing a bedtime story with my baby. I am sending a strong message to him that reading is fun, relaxing and enjoyable.
In the beginning, babies just enjoy looking at colors and pictures. Next, they will develop an interest of the rhyming words. Finally, they’ll develop a love for books.
Here are some ideas to help encourage interest in Reading:
- Select books that are age appropriate: hardcover, bold colors, realistic pictures.
- Rhyming to help increase vocabulary
- Three-dimensional books with textures and peek-a-boo flaps
- Keep books accessible at all times
- Bath time get waterproof books
- Go to the library often
- Share your favorite story book character with your child
- Go to your local Scholastic Warehouse sale: twice a year you’ll find amazing deals.
With all this said, the number one most important rule about reading is GETTING INTO CHARACTER! Babies and children love to hear the change of the inflection in your voice. For example if the story is about a silly old lady…Make an old granny voice while reading. Your child will feel your enthusiasm and react accordingly. Toddlers will develop a response of a smile or giggle. While the older children will respond with “Oh that’s just silly mom!” By making the connections in your child’s imagination will only foster a love for reading. How can you not want to read more?
The benefits of reading are countless. I could go on for days throwing statistics at you, but I won’t. However, I will say this Kindergarten readiness! Mom’s that have or had kindergarteners know what I’m talking about. Your child’s success rate in school is all linked to Reading. The facts are the facts children that are successful in school are good readers. They have developed a love and interest for reading. They have actively involved parents or other family members reading to them. They have lots of exposure to print. I they will be prepared to name their ABC’s.
I promise you, if you incorporate a minimum of just reading one story a day; you’d be amazed with the outcome. It only takes a few minutes a day for a life time of results.
It is very important. I read to my now 12 year old all the time and now he’s either got a book or his Kindle with him at almost all times. He’ll bring something to read even if the car ride is a 5 minute trip to the store. My (almost) 15 month old doesn’t sit still like my older one did so I don’t get as much reading time in, but we still look at books daily, it’s just a shorter amount of time but more frequent than the older one 🙂