Make a Difference for Children in July

| July 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

Mom studying with sonIf you’ve been looking for a good cause, then July is a good month for you. The month of July is Make a Difference for Children Month, a grassroots call to action for adults to do things that will make a difference in the lives of children one-on-one, in groups, and as a whole. Of course you make a difference for your own children every day, but it doesn’t take a lot of time or effort to expand that reach outside of your own home and do something good for children anywhere. Here are a few things that you can do.

  • Volunteer.  It’s rare for an organization that runs on volunteer work not to be in need of more volunteers, so your help is likely to be gratefully accepted anywhere you go. The public library may need someone to run a story hour once a week. Your local elementary school may be looking for extra hands in the classroom or cafeteria. Anywhere children can be found, you can make a difference… check out the children’s ward in your nearest hospital, the local soup kitchen, or the YMCA. All of these options, and more, give you the chance to bring a child some cheer or be a positive influence. Depending on the organization, you may be able to bring your own child along as well. This allows you to really show them how good it feels to help others.
  • Donate. Money is accepted everywhere, and there is no end to the list of reputable charities that help children and need cash. But money is not the only thing you can donate. Have boxes of outgrown children’s clothes or toys sitting around? Donate them to a local homeless shelter. Your local library will probably be thrilled with a donation of gently used children’s books. Are you crafty? See if the children’s ward in your local hospital would like some simple homemade stuffed animals for their patients. Your talents and your extra items have value, and can be used to make a difference.
  • Get involved with your local school board, your city council, and your local, state, and federal government. You have a chance to make a difference in the lives of children everywhere by being informed of what is going on in your government, and supporting initiatives and policies that make a positive difference for children, as well as discouraging ones that don’t. Write, call, and email your politicians, let them know that you want to make a difference for children, and you’ll support them in doing the same.

These are just a few suggestions, but the list of ways that you can make a difference is literally endless. All you need to do is figure out the best way for you to contribute.

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