Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust
- Prepare your child for an increased workload. In addition to homework, which may grow exponentially over the next few years, they’ll be involving themself in activities, wanting to go out with friends, and may even have a part-time job. If your child has been disorganized with schoolwork up to this point, it’s time for them to break some bad habits. Take them shopping for some tools to stay organized and keep the clutter under control, such as bookcases, a calendar, and desktop organizers.
- Remember that your job is to step out of the role of manager when it comes to your teenager. They should be getting themselves up for school in the morning, and managing their time in regards to getting herself ready for the day. They also needs to take over the responsibility of making sure that they are getting all of the work done and handed in on time. If you’ve been checking to see that they’ve been doing their homework every night until now, it’s time to ease up. They need to find out out on their own how important a homework grade is towards their average. This will help establish good habits before they start college or a job.
- Find out whether your child’s high school has a website where parents can check in with teachers. Our local high school allows parents to keep up with their children’s grades and assignments from the Internet, which gives you a non-invasive way to keep tabs on how your student is doing without looking like you’re nagging. If you see grades drop or assignments not being turned in, you can talk to your child about it and nip it in the bud.
- Make rules, but keep them flexible. Your child will be going through a huge growth spurt in his social and emotional development over the next few years. While you’ll want to keep a close eye on your freshman, by senior year, they’ll be handling their own affairs and will need to make grown-up decisions. Don’t be afraid to talk to other parents: Find out what his friends’ rules are. You might be surprised at how strict other parents can be, despite your child’s claims that everyone else is cooler than you are!
- Keep the lines of communication open. Remember that your child still needs guidance, whether it’s with schoolwork, social issues, time management and sensitive topics like drinking, drugs and sex. Let her know that she can come and talk to you about anything, and that you’re willing to help however you can.
These next four years are a rite of passage as your young teenager prepares for college and adulthood. Remember that your ultimate goal is to raise your child into a capable responsible adult, so hold the reins loosely as you spend these next years preparing them to leave the nest. Good luck!
It is such a big change. There is so much to deal with. I would add that it is important to insist they get enough sleep. It makes all the difference in their attitude and energy level.