Rewarding good Behavior
This is a two part series on Mimicking the school reward system for good behavior….
Now, my son is an entirely different personality. I kept asking him all summer if he was concerned. No, not all, although he thought going to preschool with his youngest sister would be the most fun. Well, the first week of school is barely finished and he is already thinking the worst. Ironically, now I find myself thinking that the way my oldest dealt with it may have been easier. Now, this child needs motivation, and quick! I believe, especially with this child’s personality, his outlook is his best friend or his worst enemy. I have found that if he is able to keep a positive outlook he will find a way to be successful. I think most of us are like that, I know I certainly am. I tell my kids all the time that there are so many things which you cannot control in life, we all know this is true. The only thing we really can control is what is in our heads… our thoughts. By trying to bring the best thoughts to the surface even in the most difficult of situations we can find a way to make it through the situation. I told my son that if he walked into school in the morning already having the mind set that it was going to be impossible, it would most likely be impossible.
Now for the motivation, and I shouldn’t talk too soon knowing that I am tempting fate. I will take my chances and enjoy it while it lasts. I heard both of my kids talking about the tickets they were able to earn during the week at school. On the first day, with the teacher’s wisdom, I understand that they were able to earn five. This was the magic number which could be turned in for a reward. It gave them a taste of how the system works and encourage each student to do whatever it took to earn those tickets. The kids were really excited until the tickets became more of a challenge to earn. It was then that determination set in, which was still a good thing. My kids were going to do whatever it takes to get to five tickets before the end of the week. The only problem was it was already Thursday and tickets were to be earned and rewards distributed on Friday.
Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow !