Author Archive: Tina
Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

Family Boating Safety Tips
As the mercury rises, those of us lucky enough to live near an ocean, river or lake may decide to take the kids boating. You already know safety tips such as making sure everyone is wearing a life jacket (even the best swimmers!) and that drinking and driving a boat don’t mix. There are a […]

Graduation Gifts from TOMS
Shopaholic Mommy would like to congratulate all of the 2012 graduates! Whether your child is graduating from elementary school, middle school, high school or college, he or she’s worked hard and is embarking on the next stage of her education or life, whatever that may be. Or maybe you, Mom, are the newest graduate! If […]

Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads’ and granddads’ out there !
I especially want to thank my dad for being such a wonderful and strong influence in my life. He always encouraged us to be anything we wanted and of course to “pay attention to what you are doing”! He taught me how to drive […]

Memorial Day
Memorial Day is more than a day where we go to the beach, BBQ or parade. The real meaning for this day is to remember those who have died serving our country. In the United States Memorial Day a federal holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day was officially proclaimed […]

Shopping Tip How to find Jeans for Mom That Aren’t “Mom Jeans”
After over a decade of mothering, I’ve finally accepted the truth: I’m never going to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans again. Even if I managed to lose that last 10 lbs of baby fat (nevermind that my baby is almost 9 years old), my hips and thighs have changed since giving birth; Mother Nature has […]

Making the Most of the Home Stretch
We’re into the home stretch of the school year, and the kids are getting antsy… it’s almost time for summer vacation, after all! Still, don’t let them drop the ball quite yet! They still have at least a few weeks left of school, depending on where you live. Use some of these tips to help […]

Fun Activity Ideas For A Mother-Daughter Bonding Day
Recently, my husband and son went away for a weekend together on a boys’ adventure, leaving me and my daughter at home. We wanted to do something special but didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so we decided to have a girls’ bonding weekend at home. These are fun to do periodically, and […]

Tips for Buying Birthday Presents
Certain times of the school year tend to bring out a ton of birthday party invites for my kids. Is it just our family? I feel like there is a huge rush of birthday parties in August, another in January and a third in April and May. Although I don’t see any rhyme or reason […]

Earth Friendly Shoes TOMS
What did Earth Day April 22, 2012 mean to you? Do you and your family observe this celebration of the fragility and importance of our earth? Earth Day is a day for making ourselves and our families more aware of the issues surrounding pollution, climate change, endangered plants and animals and other issues that will […]

Our Favorite Home Organization Apps
Cooking, cleaning and home organizing is not the same animal that your grandma contended with! Where Grandma spent most of her time actually in the home, you most likely do not. While in some ways, keeping house was simpler in the “good old days,” you have lots of tools and gadgets that your grandmother didn’t […]